'Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.' Health education hence is an education that seeks to promote the physical and mental well-being of all citizens, namely turning the knowledge of health into a behavior pattern needed by individuals and the society by way of education.

A healthy campus environment is the foundation of all educations. In the implementation of school education, 'health education' and 'health services' should work closely together so that education/training and knowledge/practice can be equally achieved. With this understanding, in addition to setting up a health education unit and executing teaching programs, the university also has a Health Center to promote healthcare services and counseling. We believe it is only through these combined resources that students can establish a healthy concept, live a healthy life and fulfill the purpose of health education.

Medical care services
Our medical care service scope covers physical check-up and review, defects correction, and referral information provision, emergency care, outpatient diagnosis and treatment, epidemic prevention, vaccination, management of students of special diseases, water quality inspection, food hygiene management, medical device rental, application for special PE classes, management of breast feeding room.

Health education services
Our health education services encompass health internship scheme provided in line with university policies, health instructions, healthcare lecture, first-aid training, healthcare consultation, and facilitation of employee health assessment.