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2011 “Hoping•Download The Second Confucius Steps” Activity Starts in NTNU

 2011 “HopingDow​nload The Second Confucius Steps” Activity opening ceremony was held at NTNU library. 140 students from 14 universities from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Macau would assist the disadvantaged student with their academic subjects in 16 rural schools, to practice the spirit of Confucius.

The activity was first started in 2009. Gather the power of students from four places and give service. The minister of Ministry of Education Wu Ching-chi emphasized the importance of education to Taiwan. Hope the student would understand the meaning of education through the activity. Principal Chang Kuo-en indicated that the three dimension of the activity were cultivated the citizen accomplishment, created equal educational chance, interacted with students from different places. Feng Chih-yueh from Peking University and Yueh Yung from Sichuan International Studies University both encouraged students to get from society, give to society.

16 captains represented to make the vow to teach with love and hope and received the flag from principal Chang. The ceremony ended with everybody singing together.