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Gansu Educational Group Called On NTNU

The tertiary education exchange! Eight guests from Gansu educational group called on NTNU for professional academic exchange on December 20th.

The educational group members included Professor Sun Chieh from Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics, vice secretary of Gansu government Chang

Chung, and professor Wang Ping from Lanzhou Jiaotong University. The group called on NTNU the next day they arrived. NTNU was the first school they called on.

NTNU vice principal Cheng Chi-fu indicated that Gansu area had a lot of culture due to the history and location. NTNU was the first school that cultivated teachers in Taiwan. He expected both schools could exchange on the similar background.

Professor Wang Ping expected that the tour could help them understand the superior professional of NTNU and the international exchange program. Although both school hadn’t sign the sister school contrast, Gansu educational group expected to have academic cooperation in the future.

Recently, NTNU opened the new EMBA courses; Gansu educational group exchanged the experiences with NTNU College of management, expected to learn and improve together.