Message from the President
NTNU enjoys a long and distinguished history as one of the four oldest universities in Taiwan. Founded in 1922 during the Japanese regime, it was first known as Taihoku High School before being renamed as Taiwan Provincial Teachers College in 1946, and subsequently restructured as a comprehensive university in 1994.As it approaches its centennial, drawing on its longstanding commitment to excellence in education, the University offers exceptional learning environments in its Colleges of Liberal Arts, Science and Engineering, Social Sciences and Management. A recognized leader in Fine Arts, Music and Sports, NTNU is also the home of one of the top Colleges of Education in Taiwan with a growing influence across Asia and beyond. NTNU's dynamically evolving Mandarin Teaching Centre is a prime site for the study of Chinese language, attracting thousands of students from around the world. Through rigorous disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies and a wide range of extra-curricular activities, our students are able to nurture their talents, and develop skills and attitudes required for achieving success in the 21st century.
NTNU is not only one of the leading educational institutions in Taiwan, but also a university with a growing international renown and prominence- a success enabled through the cumulative efforts of our previous leaders, faculty and students. Parallel to its commitment to exceling in its educational mandate, the University continues to invest in both basic and applied research in areas of high relevance to Taiwan, Asia and beyond.
As I take on the responsibility as the 14th president of NTNU, I will continue to nurture the legacy of my predecessors and listen to the advice and insights of our faculty, staff and students in charting our new paths towards excellence in teaching, research and service. During my tenure, I hope to focus on three specific priorities which I believe can help us progress on this journey: 1) strengthening global connections and enhancing opportunities for NTNU students to internationalize their learning through mobility and other forms of international engagement 2) forging mutually beneficial industry connections and expanding our students' practical experience relevant to their future employment; and 3) increasing our alumni and community engagement to generate new opportunities for development and growth of our University well into the future.
It is my belief that any university worth of its name has one overarching goal: that of being the facilitator of outstanding performance and achievement of its students and faculty in their ability to contribute to the growth and welfare of the society. Our leadership team is committed to offering the needed support and services to our academic community so that it can thrive in all of its endeavours, excelling in teaching, learning, research inquiry and, equally importantly, the capacity to serve others with expertise and compassion.
We are dedicated to doing what it takes to make it possible for our students and faculty to pursue their academic dreams, realize their potential, achieve their aspirations, and feel respected, valued and encouraged in their efforts, every step of the way. We look forward to NTNU's further growth in its capacity to provide worthwhile and rewarding learning journeys, productive and satisfying scholarly careers and expanding its reputation as a university that inspires pursuits of knowledge and excellence with sensitivity to the needs of the people and environment in Taiwan, Asia and the world.

Cheng-Chih Wu, PhD
National Taiwan Normal University
Cheng-Chih Wu received the B.Ed. and M.Ed. degrees in industrial education from National Taiwan Normal University and the Ph.D. degree in (computer) science education from The University of Texas at Austin. His research interests include K-12 computing curriculum, e-Learning, and ICT-integrated learning. He is a distinguished professor in the School of Learning Informatics, National Taiwan Normal University. He played a key role in Taiwan's K-12 computing education, including leading the task force on national ICT education master plan and chairing the national K-12 computing curriculum committee. He also serves as the national research coordinator of IEA's ICILS 2023 program that investigates digital literacy practices in Taiwan. He was the chairperson of the Department of Information and Computer Education (now a graduate institute), director of Information Technology Center, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Executive Vice President in National Taiwan Normal University, and is now President of the university.