In a bid to promote academic research and international academic exchange and cooperation, as well as raise the standards for research, the University launched the Office of Academic Development (OAD) in September 1996.
In 2007, the Amendment to the University Act was enacted to advocate the internationalization of higher education, the development planning of the state science and technology, as well as to encourage technology licensing, technological entrepreneurship, and university knowledge industrialization. To cater for such reformation, the Division of Academic Cooperation - formerly affiliated with the OAD - was expanded, and the Division of International Affairs was added. The OAD was also renamed as the Office of Research and Development (ORD).
The ORD undertakes research planning and promotion, technology transfer, academic cooperation, industrial-academic cooperation, and other research development activities. The Office comprises three divisions: the Division of Research Planning and Coordination, the Division of Academic Research Promotion and Coordination, and the Division of Research and Industry Liaison.