We aims to train gifted young scholars in the field of tourism studies, cooperate with major European universities to enhance international student and intercultural exchange, increase national competitiveness by intertwining tourism and culture through academic research and cooperation with the tourism industry, integrate existing resources with a view to increasing the familiarity of the Taiwanese public with European cultures, and stimulate Europe-relates research in Taiwan.
At GIECT, the study of European cultures is geared toward providing students with a solid theoretical foundation while simultaneously developing a large set of cultural resources to benefit tourism. It is our strong belief that a growing acceptance of the major significance of tourism and recreation in our time means that more and more people can personally experience the colorful diversity of European cultures.
In addition, we approach the meaning of tourism and travel by using the concept of culture: “cultural tourism” means to personally experience the mode of life of a certain place or region. It can be oriented toward places (historical sites, galleries, museums, opera houses, churches, conurbations, national parks), events (festivals, religious and secular, exhibitions, book fairs), or even daily life (dining, shopping, trends and fashion). All these orientations need to be seen as capable of expanding cultural and life experiences, as well as promoting an understanding of different cultures and natural environments.
We also expect to raise the level of professionalism of the tourism industry by ensuring that graduates gain intimate familiarity with the European cultural and geographic environment. We see our graduates not just as future tourism personnel, but also as consultants with specialized knowledge, or even as “cultural navigators” who can take visitors to the very essence of European cultures. Liberal arts education and specialized training ensure that our graduates will become into true cultural educators.