Currently we have 23 full-time faculty members, including 11 professors, 6 associate professors, 2 assistant professor and 4 teaching assistants. Each faculty member boasts excellence in his/her own field of expertise both as a teacher and as a researcher. An undergraduate student is required to complete a minimum of 128 credits while a master’s program student or a doctoral student needs to take 30 course credits and complete a thesis or dissertation to receive the MEd or PhD degree. The majority of our graduates are teachers or professionals in special education or related services for special needs. In addition, the Department holds rich resources including books, academic journals, teaching materials, instructional aids, laboratory facilities, and tests. The excellent performance of alumni to promote high-quality services for special needs is our privilege
The mission of Department includes: 1. Foster exceptional special education professionals. The goal of the Department with all degree programs is to cultivate teaching, research, and administrative or leadership professionals in special education or the related fields at all levels. To fulfill domestic needs for the improvement of special education, the Department offers short-term in-service teacher training courses or master’s degree summer courses to foster special education professionals.
2. Expand academic research in special education. Our faculty has continually conducted research in all areas of special education, integrating theoretical, practical and methodologies in domestic and international research.
3. Guide the comprehensive improvement of special education and promote the social awareness of students with special needs. By providing seminars, publications, and in-service teacher training courses and by participating in practical implementation of special education, the Department advocates the most updated and evidence-based special education and promotes the social awareness and integration of students with special needs.