TIGP-BIODIV is composed of >40 faculty from Academia Sinica and National Taiwan Normal University whose research spans diverse topics across ecology, biogeography, evolutionary genetics and genomics, marine biology, and systematics. In addition to modern lab facilities, researchers have access to a marine research station at Green Island, the Biodiversity Research Museum, and a next generation genomics core facility.
Potential students are encouraged to explore the research underway at TIGP- BIODIV and contact individual faculty mentors about opportunities in their group, see Faculty List (Please indicate which Professor’s lab you are interested in joining while applying through the TIGP Application On-Line System: http://tigp-biodiv.biodiv.tw/index.php/2019-admission-information/ )
Successful applicants will be distributed to enroll either National Taiwan Normal University according to the final evaluation result of the BIODIV Program Admission Meeting, and receive graduate fellowships for at least 3 years, if program requirements are met. During the first year in the program, graduate students can choose rotations among all TIGP-BIODIV program laboratories. All courses are offered in English. For additional details, please visit ADMISSION & Form&Guidelines. Academia Sinica and National Taiwan Normal University are located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei is a vibrant, global city, rich in cultural and near to both oceans and mountains for both research and pleasure.