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Donate your love to help NTNU create better education

 For the long term educational development, NTNU has raised money since 2011 and has received about 39,530,000 dollars. In this foundation, 7,630,000 would be used to construct the fine art and student activity center and culture and life center.

        President of NTNU, Chang Kuo-en said that Ministry of education would afford the tuition for students studying in NTNU before. But now we can’t have the subsidy, we hope that alumni and the whole society can help NTNU to maintain the best quality of education. The raising money can be used to build new buildings and also the scholarship for students.

        We are still raising money for facilities to form a better learning environment. Down below are some people who help NTNU and we are thankful.


Li Yi-fa, the chairman of Chant Oil Company and also alumni of the department of physics, donated 5,000,000 dollars to the construction foundation. He encourages other alumni to help NTNU as well and puts effort to create better environment for school sisters and brothers to learn.

Chnag Kuang-chao, CEO of MIPRO and alumni of the department of art, said that NTNU made his dream come true so he’d love to give some feedback to this school.

Fu Yi-chin, honorary professor of the department of English, has retired 30 years. When he knew that there are new constructions in NTNU, he generally donated 200,000 dollars to help out.

Chen Su-chen, retired professor of the department of chemistry and Shih Tsai-tien, honorary professor of the department of geography, are lovely couple and they decided to donates 200,000 dollars to commemorate Shih’s birthday.

Many alumni from Hong Kong, Washington and east Canada are sending paycheck to NTNU to show their willingness to help and the care the NTNU. Alumni and professors of the department of fine art also give out their precious paintings. Until now, NTNU has received 60 famous paintings.