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NTNU Mandarin Teaching Center Recruited Students in Japan and Korea

 NTNU Mandarin Teaching Center was transforming into the management unit. On the last week of September, the leader of teaching material group, professor Tseng Chun Chieh led the secretary Chen Li Li, administrator Chiang Yi Chen, and staff Chen Guan Yin to call on universities in Japan and Korea and held the recruitment conference. The visiting schools included Japan Bunkyo University, Tokaigakuen University, Doshisha University, and Korea Dongduk Women’s University. The team also called on Japan Taiwan Corporation and Taiwan Japan Embassy. 

The three universities the team called on in Japan were not well known in Taiwan. However, they had one thing in common, which was that the three schools developed the Department of Chinese in the recent years and the regulations ordered students to study abroad at least one year. Therefore, the teachers in the universities were actively getting contact with NTNU trying to sign the exchange students contract. Currently, 1 student from Bunkyo University, 2 students from Tokaigakuen University, and 4 students from Doshisha University were studying in MTC.
All universities in Japan and Korea had given NTNU some suggestions of the management in MTC. MTC expected to improve all the problems now and recruit more students to study Chinese in NTNU.