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The New Choice to Study in Japan- Japan Osaka Prefecture University

 NTNU had signed the academic exchange cooperation agreement with Japan Osaka Prefecture University in 2011. The first group of students would go to study in Japan this April. Just before the students were heading to Japan, Osaka Prefecture University called on NTNU, expecting to develop the long-term cooperation.

NTNU vice Principal Cheng Chi Fu and the vice director in the Office of International Affairs Liang Yi Ping received our guests, the vice director Professor Masahiro Terasako and Ms. Tomomi Kuribayahshi Osaka Prefecture University Office of International Affairs. Both sides talked about the details of exchanging students’ agreement and provided full information for the students who were going to study in Japan.

Japan Prefecture University was located in the south of Osaka city. It was a public university established in 1949. There were approximately 8 thousands students and 7 hundred teachers. It was a comprehensive university with the faculty of engineer, life and earth science, physics and chemistry, humanity and society, nursing, economy, and hospital. In 2005, they combined with the Osaka Women’s University and Osaka Prefecture Nursing University and became the comprehensive university. They provide the chance to exchange in Osaka Prefecture University every semester. Students who were interested could look out more information at NTNU Office of International Affairs.