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Management students win 2nd place in cross-strait branding competition

"Pancake Day," a well-known snack joint located just outside of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), has made more than just the day for a group of NTNU Business Management students. For their strategy to rebrand the longtime favorite eatery, the group of students received the second-place award in an annual branding competition between students from Taiwan, mainland China, and Hong Kong.

The event, held June 7 at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, brought together 15 teams of competitors, including six from Taiwan. 

The winning students, who appropriately called their group "Pancake Day, Lovely Day," focused on improving brand awareness in a saturated and competitive marketplace. They based their strategy on a concept of adding new value to an established brandname as a means to build a brand image for the future. 

One junior on the team, Chang Wei-liang (張為喨), said that his partners have shown team spirit ever since their freshman year. He said that participating in this event means that everyone gets to apply what they have learned in the classroom.