Record-breaking Tang Chia Hung Took Gold at Horizontal bar in 2018 Asian Games
After winning the first silver at gymnastic at Asian Games on August 23rd, TANG Chia Hung, a student of Department of Athletic Performance, won the second gold medal for Taiwan with 14.725 points. It's the first gold medal at horizental bar. Tang is the biggest winner in the filed with one silver and one gold.
Tang’s elbow was injured for three times. His hard work finally paid off at the floor exercise in 2018 Asian games. In the final round, Tang scored 8.725 and 6.000 in difficulty for a combined 14.725 points, surpassing China’s Sun Wei at 14.500 and Xiao Ruoteng at 14.225.
Tang was the first to be on stage. His biggest treat are two Chinese athletes. Other opponents aren’t performing well.
After winning, he was overwhelmed with joy. He expressed his gratitude to everyone that cheered for him and said he did it! There were times that he had doubts but it’s an incredible experience and a milestone for him.
The Chinese Taipei Gymnastics team had a breakthrough in 2018 Asian games. This year, the team brought back two gold, one silver and one bronze.