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Purdue University’s College of Liberal Arts Deepens Ties with NTNU

In May 2024, a delegation from Purdue University's College of Liberal Arts (CLA) visited NTNU to enhance faculty collaboration and strengthen their academic partnership. This visit marked a significant milestone in the ongoing cooperation between the two institutions, which was formalized with a university-wide Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in December 2022.

Recent Collaborations and Innovative Programs

During the visit, Purdue’s CLA delegation, led by Associate Dean Dr. Wei Hong, engaged with NTNU’s Colleges of Liberal Arts, International Studies and Social Sciences, Music, and Arts. The discussions focused on expanding collaborative efforts and introducing innovative programs to integrate liberal arts into Purdue’s predominantly STEM-focused curriculum. Purdue’s CLA has pioneered initiatives such as the Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts Program, Languages for Special Purposes, and the Degree Plus program, which enable students to blend liberal arts education with their technical studies.

The Cornerstone Program, launched in 2017, has received prestigious accolades, including the Philip Merrill Award for Outstanding Contributions to Liberal Arts Education, and recognition from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Teagle Foundation. These initiatives have successfully increased student engagement in the humanities, demonstrating the critical role of liberal arts in a well-rounded education.

Enriching Academic and Cultural Exchanges

This recent visit included 18 Purdue students participating in the NTNU Huayu Best program, engaging in Chinese language studies and a STEM exchange workshop. This short-term study program, led by Prof. Chao-Ying Wu, exemplifies the practical benefits of international exchanges, enriching students' understanding of global trends and cultural contexts.

Purdue's Professor Liping Cai’s recent visit to NTNU’s College of Sports and Recreation and the Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism in December 2023 highlights the growing interdisciplinary collaboration. These visits have fostered academic partnerships, particularly in sports science and tourism studies.

Historical Context and Future Directions

Since 2014, NTNU's Department of Special Education has conducted an internship exchange with Purdue's Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute, facilitating international student exchanges and enhancing educational experiences. The formal MOU signed in December 2022 has further solidified these ties, paving the way for more comprehensive collaboration.

Looking ahead, NTNU and Purdue plan to continue expanding their cooperative efforts. Joint research in sports science, potential tripartite teaching initiatives, and collaborative online international learning (COIL) programs in philosophy are some of the promising areas of cooperation. A significant outcome of the recent visit is the planning of a joint conference between Purdue and NTNU CLA in May 2025, which may eventually include other institutions with strong partnerships with both universities.


May is an ideal time for Purdue students to visit NTNU, coinciding with NTNU’s Art Festival, Humanities Festival, and annual international symposium. These events provided further opportunities for cross-cultural learning and academic exchanges.