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NTNU Alumni Brainstorm for Resolutions for Education

<p>By Kevin Tang<br /> Campus Reporter</p> <p>More than 300 school principals, presidents and high-ranking authorities from different elementary, junior, high schools and universities, showed their concerns toward the minority students who cannot afford their education during a conference at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) today.</p> <p>NTNU President Gou Yih-shun (郭義雄) and Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) organized the &ldquo;2009 Education Conference&rdquo; and invited these participants, who are all NTNU alumni, to discuss issues that concern education, such as the decreasing number of students and the way-too-easy entrance exams for the admissions to colleges.</p> <p>&quot;With our experiences, I am sure that we can work something out to fix the problem,&rdquo; Gou said.</p> <p>The president made his remarks during his addressing to the participants at the auditorium.&rsquo;</p> <p>They began to move to classrooms at Cheng and Jeng Buildings where group discussions were held, right after Gou&rsquo;s opening speech.</p> <p>In the meantime, these NTNU alumni also participated in the &ldquo;Hoping Download&rdquo; charity activity, which was designed to help those poor junior and high school students who cannot afford their tuition fees.</p> <p>&quot;What we have discussed today will be directly distributed to the Ministry of Education to make sure that our voices are heard,&rdquo; Gou said.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>