The Kid Who Refused JCEE 36 Years Ago Encourages NTNU Geography Students to Explore the World Today
Brian Wu (吳祥輝), the writer who was renowned for his "The Kid Who Refused the Joint College Entrance Exam” nearly 36 years ago, encouraged Geography students to travel more and explore the world during his speech at the annual Geography Lecture today.2008.0410
Removed or Not, CKS Statue Still Hot
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts Associate Professor Jerry Hsia (夏學理) climbed up to the Chiang Kai-shek (CKS, 蔣介石) statue on the main campus this morning, put on a pair of fancy shades and a shopping bag in the statue’s hand as his students organized a promotion activity in front of the statue for their opera Hansel und Gretel, which will be shown at the auditorium on May 16 and May 17.2008.0409
Diversed Turkey Mixes Everything
Turkish culture and food were introduced and presented during the international culture activity, held by the Office of International Affairs, at the International Lounge today.2008.0326
The Country of Love Featured during Event
Slovenia was featured and introduced at the International Lounge today, while the Office of International Affairs resumed its weekly introduction of different countries.2008.0324