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NTNU-VNU-HUS Bilateral Symposium Enhances Collaboration in Science Education

Delegation of 16 faculty members from NTNU's College of Science visits the Hanoi University of Science under the Vietnam National University system (VNU-HUS) for collaborative symposium.

Manga Series Visualizes Japan-Era Student Life Against Backdrop of NTNU Campus

NTNU Class of 2011 alumna Zuo Hsuan has published the second volume of her manga series, "The Banana Sprout," set in 1930s Taiwan, which delves deeper into the story of Yeh Hsing-chiao and his Japanese roommate.

Hubble Project Launches the Next Generation of Global Managers

NTNU has partnered with Lion Travel, a leader in Taiwan’s tourism sector, to launch the Hubble Project for Global Talents. This academia-industry collaboration aims to nurture and train students in global management capabilities. Each year, the project will identify 8 to 12 standout students for opportunities in corporate roles and international internships, with the inaugural group to begin as early as August of this year.

UT-Austin VP Jaffe Visits NTNU: Plans Future Collaboration in Astronomy

UT-Austin Vice President for Research visits NTNU to discuss academic collaboration across disciplines and institutions.

Learning Huayu in Taiwan — A Journey of Boundless Possibilities

Lukas Engström is a Swedish national based in Taiwan. Shortly after he started to learn Mandarin Chinese here, he visited a soft drinks bar to buy a cup of pearl milk tea. While in the queue, he kept repeating to himself the Chinese phrases he had to say to the staff. When at last he gave the order in impeccable Mandarin, he thought all was well, but he was completely nonplussed when the smiling staff shot out these questions in truncated Chinese: “How sweet would you like it? How much ice?”