Vytautas Magnus University Deepens Partnership in Visit to NTNU
On 24 October, Vytautus Magnus University’s Rector Prof. Juozas Augutis, Vice Rector for Communication Prof. Vilma Bijeikiené, and Head of International Cooperation Mr. Vaidas Dačiola paid a visit to National Taiwan Normal University. They met with NTNU President Cheng-Chih Wu, Executive Vice President Frank Yung-Hsiang Ying, and Vice President for International Affairs Yi-De Liu. VMU and NTNU had recently signed an MOU and a student exchange agreement in May; both universities hope that the first groups of exchange students will arrive at their respective campuses in the upcoming spring semester. The partner institutions also look forward to more collaboration especially in the social sciences and humanities.2023.1023
National University of Malaysia Proposes More Cooperation During Visit to NTNU
A delegation led by National University of Malaysia (UKM) Vice Chancellor Prof. Dato’ Gs. Ts. Dr. Mohd Ekhwan Hj. Toriman visited National Taiwan Normal University on 20 October. The two partner institutions had signed an MOU and student exchange agreement between UKM’s Institute of Visual Infomatics and NTNU’s Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering. However, Vice Chancellor Toriman expressed great interest in more areas for future collaboration.2023.0828
NTNU Visits Partners and Alumni, Signs Alliance in Indonesia
Indonesia is increasingly becoming a major country of origin for international students studying in Taiwan, taking second place in 2022 with 16,639 students from Indonesia. At National Taiwan Normal University, students from Indonesia rank fifth in number following Malaysia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Macau. Meanwhile, Indonesian students comprise the largest overseas group in NTNU doctoral programs. Thus, Indonesia is a key recruitment source for NTNU. On 11-15 August, President Cheng-Chih Wu led a delegation consisting of members from the Office of International Affairs, Department of Chinese as a Second Language, College of Education, and Office of Research and Development to Jakarta and Bandung. Their itinerary included attending the Taiwan Higher Education Fair in Indonesia, signing a cooperation agreement with an International High School Alliance, and visiting Indonesia University of Education as well as local NTNU alumni.2023.0816
Chung-Ang University Visits NTNU, Shares Recent Development
A delegation led by Chung-Ang University President Prof. Sang-Gue Park arrived at National Taiwan Normal University on 8 August. It was the first in-person visit by CAU since the lifting of pandemic prevention measures, and the visitors were warmly greeted by NTNU President Cheng-Chih Wu. The two partner institutions discussed possibilities for future collaboration through their respective developments in recent years.2023.0811