The Shifting Shadow of M87*: A New Key to Understanding Black Hole Environments
Using observations from 2017 and 2018, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration has deepened our understanding of the supermassive black hole at the center of Messier 87 (M87*). This study opens a new window into multi-year analysis at horizon scales by leveraging a new simulation image library with more than 120,000 additional images compared to the last one. The team confirmed that M87*’s black hole rotational axis points away from Earth and demonstrated that turbulence within the accretion disk — rotating gas around the black hole — plays an important role in explaining the observed shift in the ring’s brightness peak compared to 2017. The findings, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, mark a major step forward in unraveling the complex dynamics of black hole environments.2025.0122
History Department Partners with Taiwan Historica for Academic Collaboration and Resource Sharing
To promote the effective utilization of academic resources and deepen the development of Taiwanese social and cultural education, the History Department of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) formalized a collaboration agreement with Taiwan Historica on January 10. This partnership focuses on archival collections, academic seminars and publications, internship opportunities, talent exchange, and shared facilities. Together, the two institutions aim to advance research and education in Taiwanese history.2025.0121
NTNU College of Management Partners with Industry to Foster Global Business Talent
The NTNU College of Management (NTNU COM) recently partnered with Systex Corporation, Fubon Asset Management, and others through industry–academia collaboration memorandums. This initiative strengthens ties between academia and industry, creating more internships and job opportunities for students. It aims to develop future business leaders with global perspectives, digital transformation skills, and sustainability-focused thinking, aligning with the UN’s SDG 8. By offering on-campus internships and career pathways, NTNU COM promotes a win–win–win collaboration among government, industry, and academia.2024.1231
NTNU Led UAAT Delegation to Kyushu to Strengthen Academic Ties between Taiwan and Japan
From December 17th to 21st 2024, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Executive Vice President Kwun-Min Chen led a University Academic Alliance in Taiwan (UAAT) delegation comprised of representatives from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), National Chengchi University (NCCU), and National Chung-Hsing University (NCHU), to visit three Kyushu, Okinawa Open University Alliance (KOOU) universities in Japan, namely: Kumamoto University, Saga University, and Kagoshima University. The aim of this visit is to promote cooperation between the UAAT-KOOU through expanding bilateral international mobility, encouraging faculty and student exchange visits, and industry-academia ties, to further deepen Taiwan-Japan academic cooperation.2024.1229