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“Career Exploration in English”:Promoting Academic-Industry Communication and Broadening Students’ Horizons

To build a bilingual university, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) established the Office of Bilingual Education (OBE) in 2021 and started to promote EMI(English Medium Instruction)courses this semester to enhance student’s English proficiency and international competitiveness. On 18 March, one of the EMI courses, “Career Exploration in English,” invited Patrick Hafenstein, the Commissioner of Trade and Investment Queensland Office (TIQ) in Taiwan to share business trade and investment relationships between Taiwan and Australia.

International Students Experience the Allure of Traditional Chinese Theatre

To encourage greater participation and awareness of cultural exchanges and traditions, the Office of International Affairs at National Taiwan Normal University invited performance troupe members Huang Ruo-Lin and Shi Hong-Jun of Contemporary Legend Theatre to demonstrate the forms and attitudes of classic roles in Beijing Opera, likening the opera’s numerous stylized gestures to present-day virtual reality simulations with a hundred years head start! Students from Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia, Cambodia and other countries also enjoyed the charm of this traditional form of drama.

2022 Chinese New Year Party for International Students at NTNU

To celebrate the coming of new year, the Chinese New Year Party for International Students was held on December 29th. The party was started by a lion dance performance, followed by the traditional Chinese orchestra. More than 100 students attended the party. The organizer prepared traditional customs for students to try on and take pictures. The party was filled with a joyful atmosphere of new year celebration.

International Students Teach English at Rural Elementary School

In response to the bilingual policy by the government, National Taiwan Normal University cooperated with the Education Department of New Taipei City Government to open a Bilingual Local Cultural Immersion Workshop in the first semester of the 2021 academic year. NTNU is responsible for the training and recruitment of international students. A total of 18 international students from United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Finland participated the workshop and the Education Department invites elementary schools who are willing to participate.

Let’s Flip! Global Village Eng the Class: Activity II ‘Classroom Activity' The Sky’s the Limit

To facilitate the interaction between local and international students in NTNU, the Office of International Affairs, Foreign Language Division of Common Core Education Committee, and Mandarin Training Center (MTC) have coordinated two major activities for .
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