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NTNU’s Steady Transition from the Classroom to the Cutting Edge

NTNU emblem features in backdrop at Jensen Huang's Computex keynote speech because the university has been collaborating with leading companies, including Nvidia, TSMC, and Gigabyte, aiming to cultivate talents equipped for the challenges of the AI era.

NTNU Team Explores Innovative Teaching Methods During Uppsala Visit

A delegation from NTNU recently returned from a two-week visit to Almunge Skola in Uppsala, Sweden, to observe and learn from their educational practices. Funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education, this visit was part of the Interdisciplinary and Integration: Swedish Education Observation Program. The program, led by Assistant Professor Hsin-Heng Chen and Assistant Professor Dr. Emily Yip from the School of Teacher Education, focused on international pedagogical exchange.

East Asian Students Converge in Taiwan for Earth Science Festival

From May 16th to May 19th, young science enthusiasts from Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan gathered at the National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium for an exciting Earth Science Festival. Co-sponsored by leading academic and scientific organizations, the event promoted international collaboration and deepened students’ understanding of our planet’s intricate systems.

NTNU International Students and Volunteers Celebrate in Cultural Exchange

On May 17, international youth volunteers from the NTNU Office of International Affairs gathered with students from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Germany, Brazil, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines to celebrate the end of the 2023-2024 academic year and the conclusion of the Chinese language tutoring program.

FICHET-Led Taiwan Delegation Strengthens International Educational Ties at NAFSA 2024

NTNU President, Dr. Cheng-Chih Wu, serving as chairperson of the Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET), led a delegation of 40 representatives from 20 Taiwanese universities and institutions to promote collaboration with American higher education institutions at the NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo in New Orleans from May 28 - 31, 2024.