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Three NTNU Professors Received Art Education Contribution Award

On the 5th of December, the ceremony of the third Art Education Contribution Prize was held. Chair Prof. Liao Shiou Ping, the father of printmaking, and Prof. Ann CS Kuo, received the honorary award. Prof. Lin Shu-Cheng from the Graduate Institute of Performing Arts received the excellent teacher award.

Prof. Hsieh Chih Mou, first Non-American receiving AEE Michael Stratton Practitioner’s Award

Hsieh Chih Mou is the first non-American that received the AEE Michael Stratton Practitioner’s Award in 30 years. Prof. Hsieh shared with us his stories of leading the students to raise funds to build schools in Nepal, India and northern Thailand and the audience was so touched that they clapped for 2 minutes after his speech.

Swedish Sinologist Göran Malmqvist Spoke at NTNU

Göran Malmqvist was born on 6 June 1924 in Jönköping, Sweden. Following introductory studies of Chinese under Sinologist Bernhard Karlgren at Stockholm University, Malmqvist studied in China in 1948 - 1950. He then returned to Stockholm, taking a Licentiate of Arts degree in 1951. His international research career started shortly thereafter with a lectureship in Chinese at the University of London in 1953 - 1955. He was then appointed Swedish cultural attaché in Peking and worked in China. He is an expert in Ancient Chinese and has translated lots of modern Chinese writings such as novels by Shen Tsung Wen, Lu Xun, Gao Xingjian, Li Rui and poems by Bei Dao.

NTNU Grabbed Runner up at 2016 Mobileheroes

This year, a total of 372 teams, nearly a thousand contestants, joined the 2016 Mobileheroes, a competition that aims to develop a variety of innovative, wearable devices, application and Internet of Things with EMediaTek LinkIt. Solve the problem we face in everyday life with technology. The team “NTNUME_SPLab” led by professor Wu Shuen De of the Department of Mechatronic Engineering grabbed the runner up.

Chair Professor Yang Mu awarded the 2016 Cikada Prize

Chair Professor Yang Mu was award the 2016 Cikada Prize by the Swedish Institute. In the afternoon of November 11th, the ceremony was held at the VIP room of NTNU. President Chang, Chair Professor Yang and other distinguished guests showed up. The Chairman of the Cikada Prize, Lars Vargö came to Taiwan to give the prize to Prof. Yang in person.