First TUCE Symposium from NTNU and Uppsala University
The 1st National Taiwan Normal University and Uppsala University Symposium on Computing Education, held by the Department of Computing and Engineering Education, Uppsala University and Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education, was held on March 16th to 17th. Professors from Sweden and Taiwan discussed about education on information and computer engineering.2018.0327
2018 South East Asia Education and Humanity Dean's Forum at NTNU
In response to the New South Bond policy, the Taiwan Strategic Alliance for Colleges of Education and Humanity/National Taiwan University System (TSA-CEH/NTUS) held a 2018 South East Asia Education and Humanity Dean's Forum on March 12th. 14 deans and deputy deans from six top universities in the region paid a visit to NTNU and had an in-depth discussion with 20 academic leaders and outstanding professors.2017.1118
Workshop by the International Council for Science Held in NTNU
From November 7th, the workshop of gender differences in science and mathematics field was held by The International Council for Science for two days in Gongguan campus of NTNU. Nearly 40 experts from 12 countries attended the workshop and focused on the discussion of the design of the questionnaire. The International Council for Science (ICSU, after its former name, International Council of Scientific Unions) is an international organization devoted to international cooperation in the advancement of science. Its members are national scientific bodies and international scientific unions. As of 2017, it comprises 122 multi-disciplinary National Scientific Members, Associates and Observers representing 142 countries and 31 international.2017.1112
2017 Taiwan-Thailand Forum for Smarter Cities
The 2017 Taiwan-Thailand Forum on Mutual Cooperation on Economics, Trade and Technology was held by the Office of International Affairs on October 25th in NTNU. Thai scholars from Digital Economy Promotion Agency, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society were invited to share their thoughts on high technology and smart city.2017.1027